Resinol® Medicated Ointment



Resionl Medicated Ointment. Topicla Analgesic Skin Protectant

Resinol® Medicated Ointment
Topical Analgesic Skin Protectant
This effective, all purpose skin care medicine soothes, heals, and relieves a variety of skin conditions. Helpful for relieving chafing, chapping, minor sunburn, prickly heat, dry skin, windburn, poison ivy/oak/sumac, minor burns, non-poisonous insect bites.
Containes Zinc Oxide, Calamine, and Resorcinol.
"Where there are the boils and those breaking outs or the rash, use any good antiseptic salve or ointment. ... Those that we have indicated for such would be preferable; ... such as Resinol." (608-8)

#9417, Resinol Medicated Ointment, 3.5 oz jar


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