Monthly Archives: November 2015

Top 10 Tips for Better Digestion

Nature makes us hungry so we will have the desire to eat. Our bodies take care of the rest of the process through digestion, assuming we choose the proper foods. Sometimes, the food we eat is not digested properly which may result in improper absorption of nutrients through the bloodstream. The results of that can be upsetting short term and unhealthy long term. You can end up with constipation, indigestion, acid stomach or reflux, nausea and bloating in the short term. Over time it can have a damaging impact on all the organs of your body including the brain, the thyroid, the liver and even the nervous system. Science tells us that improper nutrition can cause a host of problems from our hair and skin all the way down to our toenails.

When your body digests the appropriate food and you eat properly, you will find that your body will respond and absorb the needed nutrients and use these nutrients efficiently. Here are 10 proven tips to improve your digestion:

1. Chew your Food at Least 4 to 20 Times

Don’t bolt your food down. When you chew your food properly your saliva interacts with the foods you are eating and starts the digestion process. There are enzymes in your saliva that start to break down your food. Your saliva will also enhance the proper taste of your food.

2. Don’t Eat When you are Upset

Wait at least 30 minutes after being angry or emotionally upset, irritated or stressed. Proper digestion occurs best when the body is not spending energy and resources doing something else.

3. Eat your Meals Close to the Same Time Every Day

This is a tough one for many of us because life gives us busy schedules. We may eat at our desks at work, ignore certain meals or get home late. The body will respond much better if it is conditioned to be ready to eat.

4. Avoid Deep Fried Foods

Foods that are deep fried taste great but they are significantly changed by the process. The deep fryer produces free radicals in the fats and grease which move through your blood and lymph system. Also, acrylamide is a questionably damaging chemical that is found in fried foods.

5. Avoid Using Cream or Milk in your Coffee

Organic Virgin Coconut Oil for better digestion

The body has a difficult time digesting this combination. There are indications it interferes with the gastric flow preventing proper digestion. Instead, try sweetening your coffee with Virgin Coconut Oil. Virgin Coconut Oil is naturally trans-fatty acid free and high in medium chain triglycerides (MCT). Although these MCTs are considered saturated fats, they are not digested like longer-chain saturated fats. MCTs are digested by saliva and gastric juices, and are absorbed directly from the intestines into the portal vein, where they’re delivered to the liver and burned as fuel for instant energy needs. Very little is ever stored as fat.

6. Avoid Taking Orange Juice and Cereal at the Same Meal

Citric juices like orange juice, grapefruit and lemon juice interfere with the proper digestion of cereals and grains.

7. Balance your Above and Below Ground Vegetables

When eating vegetables gear towards balancing the number of above ground like spinach, celery, lettuce with below ground vegetables like potatoes, carrots, and onions. Optimum would be 3 above ground to each below ground vegetable. This will help balance the nutrients and enzymes in your meal and will help you feel nourished.

8. Gelatin with your Salad

Gelatin when combined or taken with vegetables can benefit digestion and the assimilation of the nutrients in the vegetables. This can be accomplished by sprinkling a small amount of gelatin powder on your vegetables or having a little Jell-O as a dessert.

9. Eat your Meals Slowly for Better Digestion

Take your time while you are eating and enjoy the taste, textures and colors. Avoid being rushed to finish your meal. Proper chewing will help, but you want to focus attention to the task at hand. Many societies have special prayers before their meals giving thanks for the sustenance provided. Taking a moment to picture the beneficial effects your body and mind will receive from this meal has been shown to have a positive influence.

10. Limit the Size of your Meal

Super Digestive Enzymes Capsules for better digestion

Studies show that eating less, that is, not overeating, prolongs life. Huge meals are hard to digest, assimilate and eliminate. If you do happen to occasionally overeat, consider taking Super Digestive Enzymes Capsules with your meal to help break down proteins, starches, fiber and fats.

Everyone’s body is different and there are foods that your particular system may have difficulty digesting and assimilating. Paying attention to how our body reacts to foods can be very helpful in making sure we get optimal nutrition through healthy digestion. It’s a lifelong process but worth the effort.

 Bruce Baar, MS, ND      |     © Baar Products, Inc., 2015

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Make Your Own Facial Skin Cleanser

Many facial cleansers contain ingredients that can dry and irritate skin, making them too harsh for delicate, sensitive or acne-prone skin. Selecting the best cleanser may be easier than you think. Surprisingly, many plant-based oils offer a simple yet effective way to cleanse while hydrating and nourishing skin.

The antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of Olive, Almond, and Castor oils and Witch Hazel make them a perfect choice to naturally balance skin pH, repair dry, flaky skin and restore a radiant, healthy glow. Nutrient-rich and deeply moisturizing, these oils bind to impurities and dissolve them without drying the skin. Not only do they lubricate skin, they also protect and renew skin health.

Blending in a drop or 2 of your favorite essential oil, like Tea Tree, Lavender, Peppermint or Rosewater Blend, can add another dimension to your facial cleansing oil formula. These essential oils have astringent and antibacterial properties that work to minimize excess sebum, reduce redness and balance skin tone.

Here are some suggestions for formulating your own combination of oils for a personalized facial cleanser. These ratios may be adjusted depending upon your skin type. Typically, if you have dry skin, prepare a formula of 1/3 Castor Oil to 2/3 Almond or Olive oils. If your skin is Oily, use a ratio of 2/3 Castor Oil to 1/3 Almond or Olive Oil. Add a drop or 2 of essential oil and watch your complexion glow.

How to use your Personalized Facial Skin Cleanser:

1.Mix your oils together thoroughly.

2. Pour a small amount of the oil mixture to fill the palm of your hand.

3. Rub hands together then rub into face, making sure to massage for a few minutes, allowing the mixture to penetrate the pores.

4. Dampen a washcloth with hot water, making sure to ring out excess water.

5. Place dampened, warmed cloth over your face. This will cause a steaming effect. Let the warmed cloth lay over the face for several minutes.

6. After several minutes, use the same cloth to wipe off the excess oil.

7. Pat face with a dry cloth and voila!

Clean, nourish and moisturize at the same time! Pampering your skin with these organic and cold-pressed oils will keep your skin looking radiantly ageless. Create the special formula that works for you.

© Baar Products, Inc., 2015

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Five Must-have Roll-On Remedies

Keep your skin care basic, simple and easy-to-use with these 5 roll-on lotions. Our favorite oils for skin health and muscle and joint massage are perfect for home, work or travel, easy to carry and even better, they can be applied with less mess in their convenient roll-on applicators.

Castor Oil Roll-On

Castor Oil Roll-On

Baar Products Castor Oil in a roll-on is a great way to apply this versatile oil. Use for topical relief of minor muscle and joint aches and pain, minor skin irritations and sunburn, chapped lips, insect bites and as a facial or skin moisturizer. This amazing oil not only keeps skin hydrated, soothed and protected, but helps restore skin health and vitality.

Palma Christos, Organic Castor Oil, Roll-On

Palma Christos® Roll-On

Our roll-on Castor Oil is now available in the Organic Palma Christos® line. Just roll it on and rub it in. Use it as part of your beauty routine or for general skin care and massage. Palma Christos is the premier Organic Castor Oil. It penetrates deeply to heal, moisturize and nourish.

Roll-on Peanut Oil

Peanut Oil Roll-On

Add Peanut Oil to your daily skincare routine to add moisture and nutrients to dry, cracked and chapped skin. Rich in oleic fatty acids, antioxidants and vitamin E, Peanut Oil promotes skin health, improves elasticity and adds a radiant glow. Applied overnight, this oil will keep your lips hydrated, for softer, smoother skin.

Energize your body and help alleviate aching joints and tight, sore muscles by massaging Peanut Oil to lubricate skin and enhance circulation. It can be considered a “food” for the muscular and nerve forces and adds vitality and strength to the body.

Roll-On Scar-Ban

Scar-Ban® Roll-On

This nutrient-rich blend of oils is formulated to improve the appearance of body scars and to help return the naturally soft look and feel to your skin. Customers have shared with us that it works great for stretch marks, too! Apply 2-3x daily to diminish the scars that range in appearance from thickened, red, raised tissue to pale, sunken or tightened tissue that often occur due to trauma, injury or surgery.

Roll-On Arthro Massage Oil

Arthro® Roll-On

To loosen stiffness and relieve aching in muscles, ligaments and tendons, massage Arthro® into affected areas daily. Formulated with a blend of simple yet stimulating oils; Olive Oil, Peanut Oil, Mineral Oil, Lanolin, Oil of Pine Needles, and Sassafras, Arthro is a must have for those suffering from minor aches and pains. The roll-on applicator is perfect for stimulating circulation to smaller, localized areas of the body.

Roll-On applicators help you apply your oils exactly where you need them, using as much or as little as desired. No more dripping or spilling. Order some extras to keep at home, in your car, or even your purse! They make great gifts, too!

© Baar Products, Inc., 2015

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