Category Archives: Immune System
Introducing New Ragweed Capsules, the Food of the Gods?
I grew up dealing with allergies to ragweed and have studied the Ragweed plant for many years, including the optimum growing conditions and optimum area to grow a consistent crop. I am fascinated by this lowly plant and the benefits we can obtain from its proper application. In my research I have determined there are a few ways to acquire the benefits this plant’s constituents have to offer. One is through a tincture. Another is through a tea (a different milder species) and the other is via a capsule. It is the Ragweed capsule that we are excited to introduce to you today.
There is no other product like this in the world.
There is no other product like this in the world. We are able now to capsule fresh handpicked young Ragweed Ambrosia Leaves. Each vegetable capsule contains 420 mg of these young fresh leaves from the Ragweed plant. Locally grown and locally harvested. The tender leaves of the Ragweed plant are handpicked and then they are carefully dried in our special facility. Most importantly, we harvest our Ragweed at a particular time of the year to be sure the plant has not grown out of our quality specifications. After we inspect the plants and judge their quality, we harvest and dry the tender leaves. Because these procedures are meticulous, and because of the current size of our crop, we have a limited supply available. Don’t miss out.
In Greek mythology ambrosia is considered the food of the Gods, and whether they are referring to Ragweed or not, we are discovering more benefits from this plant every year. For example, Edgar Cayce (who often referred to ragweed as ambrosia) mentions using it for hay fever, reactions during allergy season, as a liver flush and much more. He states it is excellent for the liver and good for everyone: “This is for anyone! This is the BEST of the vegetable compounds for activities of the liver.” He goes on to state that it “Maintains equilibrium in the pancreas, spleen, liver and hepatic circulation and digestive system as a whole.” He also calls it a non-habit forming mild laxative that will aid in both assimilations and eliminations.
We are proud to introduce to you this remarkable new product.
The Health Benefits of Jerusalem Artichoke
Native to central North America, Jerusalem Artichokes, often called by the more modern name “sunchokes,” can be eaten much like a potato. This vegetable is not truly an artichoke but a variety of sunflower with a lumpy, brown-skinned tuber that often resembles a Ginger root. The white flesh of this vegetable is nutty, sweet and crunchy and is a good source of iron. Along with supplying iron, it also hosts a large amount of health benefits.
The Jerusalem Artichoke is one of the finest sources of dietary fibers. Each Jerusalem Artichoke contains large amounts of inulin, a zero calorie and inert carbohydrate, which does not undergo metabolism inside the human body. Its high amount of inulin makes it an ideal sweetener for diabetics. Inulin fights harmful bacteria inside the gastrointestinal tract making Jerusalem artichokes a fantastic prebiotic. The soluble and insoluble fibers in this tuber bind to toxic compounds in the gut and alleviate constipation by normalizing bowel movements.
The soluble fiber in the Jerusalem Artichoke also helps the body manage healthy cholesterol levels, supports healthy blood pressure and may also help to reduce inflammation.
Carbohydrates in foods break down into simple sugars quickly and cause blood glucose levels to spike and drop sharply. Fluctuating blood glucose levels may significantly increase the risk of fatigue, heart disease, moodiness, immune deficiencies, and diabetes. The Jerusalem Artichoke is considered a low GI (glycemic index) food and provides a slow and stable rise and fall in blood glucose levels.
The tuber contains anti-oxidant vitamins like vitamin C, A, and E. The combination of the vitamins, minerals, electrolytes and flavonoid compounds, eliminate harmful free radicals in the body thereby reducing inflammation and strengthening the immune system.
Make the Jerusalem Artichoke part of your healthy diet!
Liquid Herbal Extracts Benefits
Herbal extracts have been traditionally used to maintain, restore and improve health. But which is the best way to experience the medicinal benefits of an herb – capsules, teas or liquid extracts? Capsules may be convenient and teas may be easy to make but a liquid herbal extract offers benefits that these do not.
Tablets and capsules lose the potency of many of their active ingredients both in production and storage. Herbal tablets are prepared with fillers, binders and other materials necessary to compress the ground herbs into a tablet form. Herbal capsules tend to be better than tablets because they dissolve more easily in the stomach and do not contain the extra binding materials, however, if the body is not digesting and assimilating well, the potential therapeutic benefits of an herbal extract are diminished. Herbs in a capsule and tablet form also loose potency faster as they are exposed to oxygen.
Liquid Herbal Extracts tend to be more potent and offer a greater concentration of the plant’s medicinal properties. Their absorption occurs more quickly allowing the herbal properties to enter the bloodstream with minimal digestive effort.
Benefits of Taking a Liquid Herbal Extract:
1.They are absorbed more easily.
2. They are easy to take.
3. They have a longer shelf-life.
4. They offer a greater concentration of the plant constituents.
5. They can be mixed in water, juice, or tea.
6. They allow the aroma and taste of an herb to be experienced.
7. May provide quicker benefits.
Alcohol Extraction:
Some herbs will not release their innate healing properties without a strong solvent such as Alcohol to extract its medicinal benefits. Alcohol has proven to work better than water for the extraction process of the plant’s active herbal constituents (parts of the plant that have an action on the body). It also protects the extract from bacterial growth, enhances the potency of the herb, preserves without refrigeration, extends shelf-life and brings out the aroma and flavor of the herbs.
Suggested Use:
Most liquid herbal extracts can have a shelf life of up to 2 to 4 years. Store the liquid extract in a cool, dark place and shake well before each use. Always mix the dose in water, juice or tea to avoid irritating the mouth. Sip slowly and savor the flavor and aroma – an integral part of the plant’s therapeutic benefits. And don’t forget to check with your doctor – some herbs are contra-indicated when taking prescription drugs.
10 Easy Ways to Stay Healthy During the Cold & Flu Season
1. Eat a Balanced Diet.
Fruits and vegetables are loaded with phytochemicals, “phyto-” meaning plant, which are essentially supercharged immune-boosting vitamins and minerals. Your body will be stronger, healthier and less susceptible to bacteria and viruses. Having trouble getting enough servings of fruits and veggies each day? Try juicing. This is an easy and tasty way to get your necessary vitamins from plants with the added bonus of getting a serving of water as well.
2. Avoid Excessive Alcohol and Sweets.
When alcohol, starchy carbohydrates, and sweets make their way through the digestive tract, they produce acid in the body throwing off the pH balance. An overly acidic body can result in a suppressed immune system. This can break down your body’s resistance to the cold and flu virus.
3. Wash your Hands Often.
Germs can last for hours on surfaces that have come in contact with someone who is sick. Items that you touch every day such as, keyboards, shopping carts, elevator buttons, gym equipment, gas pumps, writing utensils, restaurant condiments, eating utensils and more can harbor bacteria long after a sick person has used them. Every sneeze or cough releases small droplets of bacteria-filled fluid that can land on these commonly-used surfaces. Wash your hands often, especially before cooking, eating, or touching your face. If you are not near a sink, make sure to use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol content. It is also important to clean and disinfect frequently used surfaces at home, work or school.
4. Drink Plenty of Water Each Day.
Every day you lose water through your breath, perspiration, urine and bowel movements. Keep it replenished; your body is approximately 65% water. Water is necessary for your body to function properly, stay hydrated and flush out toxins. It is recommended that the average person consume 6 to 8 glasses of water per day.
5. Get Plenty of Rest and Avoid Stress and Anger.
Studies indicate that avoiding stress and anger helps you to avoid getting run down. This in turn can protect you from catching a cold or the flu. Try taking the time to meditate or practice your breathing exercises.
6. Get a Massage.
A massage can help improve the lymphatic circulation in the body and reduce stress. Your lymphatic system is a vital part of your immune system. Your lymph nodes contain white blood cells which aid in trapping, attacking and destroying bacteria and other microbes which are picked up by the lymphatic fluid. Massages not only help boost the immune system, they also promote a general sense of well-being.
7. Exercise Regularly.
Physical exercise helps fuel the body and enhance immune function. If you are already feeling sick and want to exercise, the rule is that if the sickness is above the neck (i.e. stuffy nose, congestion, etc), light exercise is okay. If you have a fever and body aches, take the day off and rest.
8. Supplement with Vitamin C.
Vitamin C helps protect the body’s cells from damage by free radicals. Many plants and animals do not need to consume foods high in ascorbic acid to meet their need for Vitamin C because they are genetically programmed to produce enzymes that convert glucose into ascorbic acid. Unfortunately humans have only 3 of the 4 enzymes necessary for internal production of ascorbic acid, therefore we must satisfy our physical needs for this important vitamin through our intake of foods rich in Vitamin C and/or take a good supplement.
9. Supplement with Vitamin D3.
It is known as the “Sunshine Vitamin” because it is produced by the body during exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays (UVB). As the weather gets colder, sun exposure becomes limited. Vitamin D3 helps boost the immune system and is vital for overall health. This vitamin is essential for the body to function properly.
10. Carry a Cold Coin in your Pocket.

The Cold Coin, carried in the front pocket, is essential for reinforcing the body during cold and allergy season. The front pocket is right by the groin, which is a major lymphatic area. Made of a specialized carbon steel, the Cold Coin works by ionizing the body, making it more resistant to colds and congestion.
Bruce Baar, MS, ND | © Baar Products, Inc., 2015
Vitamin D-3: The Sunshine Vitamin
Why do I need Vitamin D-3?
Doctors found many years ago that children exposed to sunlight or those who took a Cod Liver Oil supplement were less likely to suffer from a bone condition called Rickets. Sunlight allows the body to produce Vitamin D-3, and Cod Liver Oil supplements naturally contain Vitamin D-3.
Since then, years of research has shown that Vitamin D-3 benefits the body in more ways than one. Vitamin D-3 is crucial for the metabolism of Calcium and Phosphorous, for the support of healthy bones and teeth, for providing added protection for immune challenges, for reinforcing healthy brain function, enhancing mood and cognitive function and much more.
Where does Vitamin D-3 come from?
Many know Vitamin D-3 as the “Sunshine Vitamin”. The body produces it during exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays. When sunlight hits the skin it synthesizes to form D-3, which then circulates into the blood stream. Certain foods contain limited amounts of it. However, it may be difficult to get enough to supplement the body’s requirements from these sources alone.
Different skin tones absorb different amounts of vitamin D-3. Lighter, fair skinned people will need less sun exposure to absorb a sufficient amount whereas darker skinned people may require as much as double the amount of sun exposure. This can present a problem during the colder months of the year as well as during the work week when sun exposure is often limited. Because absorption of it differs among individuals, regular testing will reveal your body’s needs. It may be helpful to ask your health care practitioner to test for its levels: once at the end of winter and again at the end of summer. This determines how much your body manufactures through summer sun exposure, and quantifies the need of it during the winter months to maintain healthy levels.
New High Potency Vitamin D-3 Softgels
As more people avoid sun exposure and because it is not abundant in food, supplementation becomes essential to ensure that your body receives an adequate supply. Nature’s Blessing’s New High Potency Vitamin D-3 supplies this key nutrient in a higher potency, absorbable liquid softgel. Take 1 softgel every two days to supply the body with 5,000 IU. Optimizing your levels can give your immune system a boost, improve muscle function, and support bone, brain and cardiovascular health. Experience the many benefits and keep your system running strong.
© Baar Products, Inc., 2015