Category Archives: Digestive Health
Sulflax: A Remedy For Stimulating Eliminations

The formula name, Sulflax, was created by combining the name of one of its key ingredients and its function. It contains the prefix “sulf” (sulfur) and “lax” (laxative), its remedial purpose.
Enhancing better eliminations is a major component for achieving better health – part of Dr. Harold J. Reilly’s C.A.R.E. formula: Circulation, Assimilation, Relaxation, Elimination. While some laxatives are considered too harsh for some systems, he did offer other means of assisting and stimulating eliminations. This particular formula is one such remedy, and it is recommended to individuals in the Cayce readings from the ages of 21 months to 74 years.
Amount and Frequency
Taking Sulflax® can extend from once per day for 2 to 3 days, up to as long as 2 weeks; the suggested use is in the middle range of this spread–from 3 to 7 days. Some are advised to take Sulflax in a series, such as 3 to 5 days, rest 5 days, then repeat. With just a few exceptions, it is to be taken daily in the morning before breakfast; for some every other day is suitable, and for a few twice a day–morning and evening–is recommended. It can be taken either dry or mixed in a glass of water, while a few mention warm or hot water. Some customers state that they added it to syrup or honey.
The length of time recommended for taking Sulflax often depended upon one’s reaction to it, so that once eliminations have begun, it can be discontinued. Ten days and 2 weeks is the longest recommended time for taking Sulflax consistently. As mentioned earlier, it can be taken in a series, with rest periods in between repetitions.
Expected Effects from Using Sulflax
As to the purpose of the remedy, it is a purifier and cleanser for the body–for the circulatory and digestive systems as well as a stimulant for the elimination system. In its role as a mild laxative, it not only will increase the eliminations and set up the better assimilating forces for the body, but it will also cleanse and purify the alimentary canal (the passageway extending from the mouth to the anus through which food is processed and digested).
Additional Information
Poor eliminations may be the indirect or direct cause of various physical ailments for which Dr. Reilly’s patients asked for help. It is always advisable to seek advice from a health professional when beginning a new regimen of treatment.
It’s important to keep in mind that very rarely is only one item suggested for a particular health problem. Other remedies, such as osteopathic adjustments, the three-day apple diet, massages, steams, or colonics, are also recommended either during or after the taking of Sulflax. Each remedy has its own function to aid and assist the body in coming to a better balanced condition.
The Health Benefits of Jerusalem Artichoke
Native to central North America, Jerusalem Artichokes, often called by the more modern name “sunchokes,” can be eaten much like a potato. This vegetable is not truly an artichoke but a variety of sunflower with a lumpy, brown-skinned tuber that often resembles a Ginger root. The white flesh of this vegetable is nutty, sweet and crunchy and is a good source of iron. Along with supplying iron, it also hosts a large amount of health benefits.
The Jerusalem Artichoke is one of the finest sources of dietary fibers. Each Jerusalem Artichoke contains large amounts of inulin, a zero calorie and inert carbohydrate, which does not undergo metabolism inside the human body. Its high amount of inulin makes it an ideal sweetener for diabetics. Inulin fights harmful bacteria inside the gastrointestinal tract making Jerusalem artichokes a fantastic prebiotic. The soluble and insoluble fibers in this tuber bind to toxic compounds in the gut and alleviate constipation by normalizing bowel movements.
The soluble fiber in the Jerusalem Artichoke also helps the body manage healthy cholesterol levels, supports healthy blood pressure and may also help to reduce inflammation.
Carbohydrates in foods break down into simple sugars quickly and cause blood glucose levels to spike and drop sharply. Fluctuating blood glucose levels may significantly increase the risk of fatigue, heart disease, moodiness, immune deficiencies, and diabetes. The Jerusalem Artichoke is considered a low GI (glycemic index) food and provides a slow and stable rise and fall in blood glucose levels.
The tuber contains anti-oxidant vitamins like vitamin C, A, and E. The combination of the vitamins, minerals, electrolytes and flavonoid compounds, eliminate harmful free radicals in the body thereby reducing inflammation and strengthening the immune system.
Make the Jerusalem Artichoke part of your healthy diet!
Liquid Herbal Extracts Benefits
Herbal extracts have been traditionally used to maintain, restore and improve health. But which is the best way to experience the medicinal benefits of an herb – capsules, teas or liquid extracts? Capsules may be convenient and teas may be easy to make but a liquid herbal extract offers benefits that these do not.
Tablets and capsules lose the potency of many of their active ingredients both in production and storage. Herbal tablets are prepared with fillers, binders and other materials necessary to compress the ground herbs into a tablet form. Herbal capsules tend to be better than tablets because they dissolve more easily in the stomach and do not contain the extra binding materials, however, if the body is not digesting and assimilating well, the potential therapeutic benefits of an herbal extract are diminished. Herbs in a capsule and tablet form also loose potency faster as they are exposed to oxygen.
Liquid Herbal Extracts tend to be more potent and offer a greater concentration of the plant’s medicinal properties. Their absorption occurs more quickly allowing the herbal properties to enter the bloodstream with minimal digestive effort.
Benefits of Taking a Liquid Herbal Extract:
1.They are absorbed more easily.
2. They are easy to take.
3. They have a longer shelf-life.
4. They offer a greater concentration of the plant constituents.
5. They can be mixed in water, juice, or tea.
6. They allow the aroma and taste of an herb to be experienced.
7. May provide quicker benefits.
Alcohol Extraction:
Some herbs will not release their innate healing properties without a strong solvent such as Alcohol to extract its medicinal benefits. Alcohol has proven to work better than water for the extraction process of the plant’s active herbal constituents (parts of the plant that have an action on the body). It also protects the extract from bacterial growth, enhances the potency of the herb, preserves without refrigeration, extends shelf-life and brings out the aroma and flavor of the herbs.
Suggested Use:
Most liquid herbal extracts can have a shelf life of up to 2 to 4 years. Store the liquid extract in a cool, dark place and shake well before each use. Always mix the dose in water, juice or tea to avoid irritating the mouth. Sip slowly and savor the flavor and aroma – an integral part of the plant’s therapeutic benefits. And don’t forget to check with your doctor – some herbs are contra-indicated when taking prescription drugs.
Cola Syrup made with 100% Natural Cane Sugar
By Bruce Baar, MS, ND
Cola Syrup is still used today as a home remedy for mild nausea and stomach distress. I have used it myself and I find it to be a pleasant, safe and a fast-acting remedy. The most common way to prepare Cola Syrup is to pour a small amount over cracked ice and sip it slowly every few minutes. It may also be diluted with water or sipped straight in its syrup form without ice. Because many health care practitioners are suggesting the avoidance of carbonated beverages, this simple remedy is a natural choice.
Baar Products offers 2 types of Cola syrup, one made with natural cane sugar and one made with high fructose corn syrup. A change occurred many years ago when the price of sugar became very expensive and high fructose corn syrup was substituted by the big beverage companies. Because of the many customer requests for Cola Syrup made with natural cane sugar, we have introduced a caffeine-free Cane Sugar formula. Both are old-fashioned remedies and favorites that are great to have available in the home medicine chest.
Benefits and Mixtures:
· Cola syrup is excellent for relieving nausea, settling an upset stomach and calming the urge to vomit.
· This syrup is perfect as a base for occasional beverage making for those who wish to avoid carbonation.
· Most common use for nausea is to pour 1-2 tablespoons over crushed ice, sip slowly.
· Other diluted preparations include mixing 1 ounce Cola Syrup with 3-5 ounces of plain water.
Cayce recommended that Cola Syrup be used like a medicine rather than as a beverage. He advised that mixed with plain water, the syrup acted as an alkalizer for the body and cleanser for the bladder and kidneys. Here are some of Cayce’s comments:
For The Kidney:
Do take … Cola occasionally as a drink for the activity of the kidneys, but do not take it with carbonated water. Buy or have the syrup prepared and add plain water to this. Take about 1/2 oz. or 1 oz. of the syrup and add plain water. This to be taken about every other day with or without ice. This will aid in purifying the kidney activity and bladder and will be better for the body. –Cayce
For Eliminations:
Cleanse kidneys by taking pure … Cola syrup (1 oz. to an ounce and a half of plain water.) Take this for ten days – leave off five days and repeat for a month, then leave off a month and repeat. –Cayce
Keep free from ANY carbonated waters, for the carbonations cause an effluvium in the blood. To be sure, …Cola is helpful to the kidneys, but if taken, use the… -Cola syrup in plain water – and this to the body will not be very palatable. –Cayce
Kidney and Liver:
Do not take too heavy foods for this body. Never take any carbonated water, although it will be found that the syrup of …. Cola in plain water will be well for the body, for this will react with the circulation between the kidneys and the liver, and will clear off much of the poisons which will be more beneficial for the activity of the sensory system. Do that. –Cayce
Kidney and Bladder:
Do take… Cola occasionally as a drink for the activity of the kidneys, but do not take it with carbonated water. Buy or have the syrup prepared and add plain water to this. Take about 1/2 oz. or 1 oz. of the syrup and add plain water. This to be taken about every other day with or without ice. This will aid in purifying the kidney activity and bladder and will be better for the body. — Cayce
Kidney and Blood:
…Cola or the like, if it is prepared from the syrup and using plain water (not carbonated water), will be not harmful; in fact, it would be helpful for the kidneys and for the purifying of the blood flow. — Cayce
*Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. |
Detox and Cleanse for the New Year and a New You!
How does the body detox?
Your body has its own amazing internal ability to cleanse and detoxify. The primary organs involved in these critical processes are the liver, colon, lungs, skin and kidneys. They work to filter wastes, protect the body from harmful invaders and eliminate toxins. Over time, dealing with poor dietary habits, environmental pollutants, stress, medications and lack of exercise can overwhelm the body’s ability to detox and eliminate impurities impacting the digestive system, joint health, immune function, hormone balance, skin health and more.
Four Key Processes to Health
Assimilation, Elimination, Circulation and Relaxation are integral to overall health. Assimilation refers to the body’s ability to absorb and utilize nutrients. These nutrients are used by every cell in the body to nourish and repair themselves. The body’s Elimination system uses a number of different channels to rid the body of wastes. The liver, lungs, lymphatic system, blood/ circulatory system, colon, kidney and skin are vital filtering and cleansing systems. The body’s Circulatory system is the key to sustaining life for the entire body. It works to carry the rebuilding forces to the body, as well as aiding in eliminations. Relaxation is fundamental to the health of the body’s nervous system. You may be familiar with the phrases: “thoughts are things” and “mind is the builder”. Harnessing the mind-body connection is a powerful tool for health.
Helpful Hints for Detoxifying, Naturally
1. Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water daily.
The body is composed of almost 70% water. It is needed by every cell in our body to function properly. It lubricates joints, aids the body’s eliminations, supports healthy kidney functions, improves skin complexion, boosts the immune system, and improves energy levels.
2. Breathing Exercises
Slow, deliberate, deep breathing has wonderful benefits. It calms and relaxes both the body and mind, helping the lungs to release carbon dioxide as well as ease pain, enhance lymphatic flow and improve digestion.
3. Stretching Exercises
There are many styles of stretching, including static, yoga and pilates. Stretching exercises can help improve circulation, improve posture putting lease stress on our internal organs, ease muscle tension resulting in greater flexibility, support healthy nerve function for better relaxation and improve lymphatic drainage for stronger immune function.
4. Take a Daily Walk
This simple practice exercises the heart, improves circulation and increases oxygen intake. It’s also a great stress reducer.
5. Natural Laxatives
While laxatives can relieve occasional constipation, they are generally not recommended for long term use. But when you need one, a laxative can bring fast relief. Laxatives have different modes of action, some adding bulk fiber and others helping with motility/bowel movement. Sulflax, Fletcher’s Castoria, Baar’s Organic Olive Oil and Fig Syrup offer natural choices.*
6. Sauna or Sweat Baths
Get ready to sweat. Taking a sauna can mimic the benefits of mild exercise. It can improve blood flow, help the body get rid of stored toxins (detox), strengthen the immune system and improve skin health.*
7. Castor Oil Pack
The external use of this ancient oil is enhanced through the application of a pack. Castor Oil applied to wool or cotton flannel and placed over the abdomen helps focus the benefits of this therapeutic oil over the organs of assimilation and elimination, stimulating the gallbladder, spleen, immune and lymphatic systems as well as digestive organs. Adding mild heat from a heating pad helps to further concentrate the oil’s absorption.
8. Herbal Tonics
Formulated to help restore, detox, tone and invigorate various systems in the body, an herbal tonic is prepared from a specific blend of plants, known as herbs. These herbal tonics (from the Cayce Readings) use select herbs to support health and promote well-being. New Seasons™ Tonic 545, Optikade™ Vibratonic™ 3810, Herbal Tonic 208, De-Tense™, Respicol® and Herbal Tonic 636 are just a few of the formulations that help the body’s natural detoxification, assimilation and elimination processes.*
* As with any program, before you start check with your physician if you are on medications or have an existing health condition.
Lifestyle Changes
Don’t just make a resolution, create a lifestyle change. Incorporate the habits that support your physical, mental and spiritual health and experience a stronger, more joyful and healthier you.