The Healthy Secret Hiding in your Refrigerator

Have you ever noticed the thin film between the shell and the egg white when you crack a hard-boiled egg? This is the eggshell membrane and it is loaded with joint-cushioning and flexibility enhancing vitamins, amino acids and proteins. While you may want to run to the kitchen to hard boil all of your eggs right now and peel away this membrane, this may not be a realistic method for getting the amount that you need.

It is estimated that 140 million adults in the United States alone suffer from some sort of joint pain. (ie, arthritis, gout, neck or back pain, etc.) A few different studies, using patients with pain and stiffness in their knees, hips, elbows, neck, shoulders and lower back, have proven the effectiveness of Natural Eggshell Membrane (NEM®). The results of these studies demonstrate that NEM® can help to promote normal joint comfort and flexibility, usually within 7-10 days.*

The Results:

“Supplementation with NEM produced a significant treatment response at seven days for flexibility and at 30 days for general pain, flexibility and ROM-associated pain.”1 “ROM” stands for “Range-of-Motion”.

“Natural Eggshell Membrane (NEM®) is a possible new effective and safe therapeutic option for the treatment of pain and inflexibility associated with joint and connective tissue (JCT) disorders. Supplementation with NEM 500 mg taken once daily, significantly reduced pain, both rapidly (seven days) and continuously (30 days).”1

“The proprietary study, by Dr. John Berardi, followed 60 adults through a workout program designed to challenge their irritated joint. Participants in the eggshell membrane group reported significantly less joint pain post-exercise following eggshell membrane supplementation when compared to those in the placebo group.”2

Put the Pep back in your Step with flEGGsible!

flEGGSible, Eggshell Membrane Capsules

Nature’s Blessing™’s new Natural Eggshell Membrane (NEM®) supplement, flEGGsible™, naturally contains glucosamine, hyaluronic acid, collagen, chondroitin and more in an easy-to-take capsule. All of these substances help to cushion the joints, promoting ease of movement in your daily activities.

Are you ready to bend, stretch and move with ease? Start supplementing with flEGGsible today!

Study Sources:

  1. Ruff, K. J., DeVore, D. P., Leu, M. D., & Robinson, M. A. (2009). Eggshell membrane: A possible new natural therapeutic for joint and connective tissue disorders. Results from two open-label human clinical studies. Clinical Interventions in Aging, 4, 235–240.
  2. Berardi, J. Eggshell Membrane Reduces Joint Pain. Precision Nutrition, Inc.

© Baar Products, Inc., 2015

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10 Easy Ways to Stay Healthy During the Cold & Flu Season

1. Eat a Balanced Diet.

Fruits and vegetables are loaded with phytochemicals, “phyto-” meaning plant, which are essentially supercharged immune-boosting vitamins and minerals. Your body will be stronger, healthier and less susceptible to bacteria and viruses. Having trouble getting enough servings of fruits and veggies each day? Try juicing. This is an easy and tasty way to get your necessary vitamins from plants with the added bonus of getting a serving of water as well.

2. Avoid Excessive Alcohol and Sweets.

When alcohol, starchy carbohydrates, and sweets make their way through the digestive tract, they produce acid in the body throwing off the pH balance. An overly acidic body can result in a suppressed immune system. This can break down your body’s resistance to the cold and flu virus.

3. Wash your Hands Often.

Germs can last for hours on surfaces that have come in contact with someone who is sick. Items that you touch every day such as, keyboards, shopping carts, elevator buttons, gym equipment, gas pumps, writing utensils, restaurant condiments, eating utensils and more can harbor bacteria long after a sick person has used them. Every sneeze or cough releases small droplets of bacteria-filled fluid that can land on these commonly-used surfaces. Wash your hands often, especially before cooking, eating, or touching your face. If you are not near a sink, make sure to use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol content. It is also important to clean and disinfect frequently used surfaces at home, work or school.

4. Drink Plenty of Water Each Day.

Every day you lose water through your breath, perspiration, urine and bowel movements. Keep it replenished; your body is approximately 65% water. Water is necessary for your body to function properly, stay hydrated and flush out toxins. It is recommended that the average person consume 6 to 8 glasses of water per day.

5. Get Plenty of Rest and Avoid Stress and Anger.

Studies indicate that avoiding stress and anger helps you to avoid getting run down. This in turn can protect you from catching a cold or the flu. Try taking the time to meditate or practice your breathing exercises.

6. Get a Massage.

A massage can help improve the lymphatic circulation in the body and reduce stress. Your lymphatic system is a vital part of your immune system. Your lymph nodes contain white blood cells which aid in trapping, attacking and destroying bacteria and other microbes which are picked up by the lymphatic fluid. Massages not only help boost the immune system, they also promote a general sense of well-being.

7. Exercise Regularly.

Physical exercise helps fuel the body and enhance immune function. If you are already feeling sick and want to exercise, the rule is that if the sickness is above the neck (i.e. stuffy nose, congestion, etc), light exercise is okay. If you have a fever and body aches, take the day off and rest.

8. Supplement with Vitamin C.

Vitamin C helps protect the body’s cells from damage by free radicals. Many plants and animals do not need to consume foods high in ascorbic acid to meet their need for Vitamin C because they are genetically programmed to produce enzymes that convert glucose into ascorbic acid. Unfortunately humans have only 3 of the 4 enzymes necessary for internal production of ascorbic acid, therefore we must satisfy our physical needs for this important vitamin through our intake of foods rich in Vitamin C and/or take a good supplement.

9. Supplement with Vitamin D3.

It is known as the “Sunshine Vitamin” because it is produced by the body during exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays (UVB). As the weather gets colder, sun exposure becomes limited. Vitamin D3 helps boost the immune system and is vital for overall health. This vitamin is essential for the body to function properly.

10. Carry a Cold Coin in your Pocket.

The Cold Coin, carried in the front pocket, is essential for reinforcing the body during cold and allergy season. The front pocket is right by the groin, which is a major lymphatic area. Made of a specialized carbon steel, the Cold Coin works by ionizing the body, making it more resistant to colds and congestion.

 Bruce Baar, MS, ND      |     © Baar Products, Inc., 2015

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9 Ways to Impress Your Dentist

Bruce Baar, MS, ND | Kathy Baar BS, RDH

October is Dental Hygiene Month! For many, a trip to the dentist might be a dreadful experience. Most of us do not look forward to the scraping, drilling, poking and sounds of an office visit. And it may cause even more anxiety if you haven’t invested time in taking care of your teeth and gums. Keeping your mouth healthy can prevent costly dental care and make your appointments more enjoyable. It also benefits your overall health! Here’s a few easy suggestions to make part of your daily dental routine.

1. Floss at least once a day.

Food particles find a way to hide in the tiny spaces between your teeth and gums. Most toothbrushes cannot clean this area effectively which offers bacteria a feeding ground between the teeth and under the gums. Flossing between the teeth removes food and plaque which is important in preventing tartar (calculus) formation, gum disease and tooth decay. Gently guide floss between the teeth by using a zig-zag motion. Avoid snapping the floss between your teeth. Contour floss around the side of the tooth and slide it up and down against the tooth surface and under the gum line. Floss each tooth thoroughly using a clean section of floss.

2. Brush 2x a day for 2 minutes.

It is important to take time to focus on your brushing technique. The size and shape of your toothbrush should allow you to reach all areas of your mouth easily. Be sure to brush the outside, inside and chewing surfaces of the teeth. It is recommended to use a soft-bristled toothbrush, as stiff, hard bristles may irritate the gums. Don’t brush too hard or over-brush, as this may cause toothbrush abrasion leading to sensitive teeth and receding gums.

3. Brush your tongue.

Your tongue is a breeding ground for bacteria. Brushing your tongue helps remove bacteria, reducing potential plaque build-up and bad breath and removes the coating that develops. Using a tongue scraper – specific for cleaning the tongue – may work even better!

4. Eat a balanced diet.

Your diet can affect the health of your mouth. Highly acidic, sugary and sticky carbohydrate foods and drinks can reduce the strength of your tooth enamel leading to tooth decay and sensitivity. Here’s a tip for identifying sources of sugar—look for words ending in “-ose” as they indicate a sugar ingredient.

5. Replace tooth brush at first signs of wear.

You may need a new toothbrush sooner than you think. You’ve probably heard of the “replace toothbrush after 3-4 months” rule, but this can differ for every person.Once your toothbrush starts to show signs of wear, such as fraying bristles, it loses its effectiveness for cleaning and needs to be replaced.Toothbrushes also harbor bacteria, so remember to replace it with a new one after being sick.

6. Use Ioxan™ Gum Massage.Ioxan, herbal tooth and gum massage.

This liquid herbal formula helps to stimulate the gums, soothe mouth ulcers and support the body’s ability to fight bacterial growth in the mouth. Containing a blend of natural ingredients including Prickly Ash bark, Calcium Chloride, Sodium Chloride and Iodine, this unique formula works to protect teeth and strengthen gums. Ioxan™ may be massaged into gum areas, brushed on as liquid toothpaste or diluted for use as a natural mouthwash.

7. Brush with Ioxan™, Salt n’ Soda™ Tooth Powder.Salt n' Soda, Ioxan tooth powder for healthy teeth

This finely-milled tooth powder combines Salt, Baking Soda and Prickly Ash Bark with a touch of Peppermint oil to keep your mouth clean and feeling fresh. Invigorates and stimulate the teeth and gums, helping to remove bacteria, odors and food with brushing. Use along with flossing, and professional dental checkups, to keep your mouth and gums healthy.

8. Rinse daily with AlkaCare®. AlkaCare Natural Clear mouthwash and gargle for healthy teethAlkaCare mouthwash and gargle for healthy teeth

Experience invigorating freshness with the alkalizing power of AlkaCare®. Along with brushing, flossing and regular dental check-ups, AlkaCare works to reduce acidity and restore the mouth’s pH balance. It helps combat bad breath, soothe mouth ulcers, calm sore gums and relieve a scratchy throat. Add this refreshing alkalizing mouthwash to your dental routine and experience fresh breath that lasts.

9. Schedule your dental office visit.

It’s important to visit your dentist office at least once a year for a routine check-up and dental cleaning. Those with a history of dental disease or those suffering from chronic health conditions, such as Diabetes or heart disease will need more frequent visits. Talk to your dentist to determine the best schedule for your needs. Remember the health of your mouth can affect the entire body. Keep smiling!

© Baar Products, Inc., 2016

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Top 4 Heart-Healthy Supplements for World Heart Day

Coronary heart disease is a significant health problem that causes 500,000 deaths per year in the United States. Sometimes it is difficult to get the heart-healthy vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants we need from diet alone. Because of this, more and more people are being prescribed medications for cholesterol and blood pressure that come with a long list of side effects. As we avoid certain high-antioxidant foods, such as fish (due to potentially high mercury levels), it may become necessary to incorporate a supplement into your regimen. Remember to always talk to your physician before beginning or adding any vitamins or supplements to your daily routine. Here are our top 5 choices for heart-healthy supplements:

Omega 3:

Nature's Blessing Omega-3 Softgels for a Healthy Heart

Nature’s Blessing Omega-3 contains fatty acids Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Docosahaxaenoic Acid (DHA). Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid (EFA), also known as a polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA). It is derived from both animal and plant sources, although Omega-3 from fish oil is the most common supplement form. Fatty acids form the main useful fraction of fats and oils and are necessary for overall health. Because your body cannot manufacture essential fatty acids, you must get them from food or supplemental sources. The FDA’s Website states: “Supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA omega 3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.”

CoQ10 with Omega-3 Fish Oil Softgels for a healthy heart


Tissues that need the largest amount of CoEnzyme Q10 are those that require the most energy, such as the heart. In more than one clinical setting, below-normal levels of CoEnzyme Q10 have been noted in cardiac patients. University studies have shown that some overweight people also have a tendency for low levels of CoQ10. As individuals require more energy, more CoEnzyme Q10 is needed. Baar’s Nature’s Blessing CoQ10 supplement is also combined with heart-healthy Omega-3 fatty acids for added protection.

Cod Liver Oil Softgels for a healthy heart

Cod Liver Oil:

Baar’s Cod Liver Oil Softgels contain twice the Vitamin A and natural cholecalciferol D3 than regular strength Cod Liver Oil softgels. The combination of Vitamin A and D3 may help to reduce the risk of heart disease, reduce joint and arthritis pain and/or aid in slowing the destruction of joint cartilage. It also contains Omega-3 fatty acids, specifically EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) and DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid), which have been shown to support overall health. Our Cod Liver Oil is screened for impurities and is free of additives and preservatives.

Blood Pressure Advantage for a healthy heart

Blood Pressure Advantage:

Nature’s Blessing™ Blood Pressure Advantage contains powerful antioxidant polyphenols from Grape Seed Extract (GSE). Grape Seed Extract helps protect our blood vessels from damage which allows the body to maintain blood pressure levels that are already within the healthy range. Polyphenols are naturally occurring in fruits, vegetables and red wine and are known for supporting cardiovascular health. Grape Seed Extract is one of the largest sources of polyphenols. Blood Pressure Advantage also contains a heart-healthy flavonoid Hawthorn Extract, which works as a synergist. This means that the Hawthorn Extract may enhance the antioxidant effects of MegaNatural®-BP™ (the GSE in Blood Pressure Advantage).

Along with a healthy diet and supplementation, it is important to stay fit and active. Start your heart-healthy program today.

 © Baar Products, Inc., 2016

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Set Your Sight on Better Vision: 8 Tips for Eye Health

Healthy vision is a gift most of us take for granted. The only time we even think about eye health is when our own vision begins to fail. Protecting your vision now can help you to avoid problems in the future. Every day people shield their skin from sun damage, supplement their diet with vitamins and moisturize their skin to reduce signs of aging but often neglect their eyes. Taking care of your eyes takes little effort and can make a world of difference later in life.

Foods for the Eyes:

The British Royal Air Force pilots consumed Bilberry because it enhanced their nighttime vision. They also found their eyes could adjust to darkness quicker and their vision was able to correct after the effects of prolonged glare.

Lutein has been linked to promoting healthy eyes. Discussion continues about its relationship in reducing the risk of macular degeneration. Foods high in lutein are dark green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale. My suggestion is to eat a fresh salad every day that includes these dark green leafy vegetables along with other vegetables you enjoy.

Vitamins A, E, C, Zinc and also Selenium may help prevent many diseases including those that affect the eyes. A Multi-vitamin, such as Special Two, containing all of these vitamins may be most convenient. *

Optikade™ VibraTonic™ #3810 is a liquid blend of botanicals selected for their stimulating and cleansing effects on the digestion and circulation of the body. Improving the circulation of the body may benefit the eyes.*

Vitamin C Supplement for eye health. Formerly alpha-C
Special Two Multivitamin Capsules for eye health
Optikade, VibraTonic 3810 for eye health

Head and Neck Exercises:

This is a very simple set of exercises and should be done without any strain. While sitting erect or standing and looking forward, tilt your chin to your chest 3 times, then, tilt your head back carefully and slowly 3 times, then to the right 3 times and then to the left 3 times. Next, slowly circle or roll your head counter clockwise 3 times then clockwise 3 times. Do this slowly and carefully without straining your muscles. If you have any difficulty in doing this be sure to see a health care practitioner. This exercise is designed to stimulate the nerve activity to the eyes, increase blood circulation, and strengthen the muscles in your neck. Some people report it helps tighten up the chin and neck muscles.

Give Your Eyes a Rest:

It’s easy to lose track of the time you are spending staring at your computer screen, mobile phone, TV screen or reading. Give your eyes a break. One way is to shift your focus away from the screen or book and look at something far away. A common rule of thumb is the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes, choose an object that is about 20 feet in the distance and stare at it for about 20 seconds. Do this throughout the day. For short term eye improvement, try blinking a few times to help you focus your eyes.

Wear Safety Glasses:

Wear safety glasses when appropriate. Also, know that your regular glasses provide protection based on the material they are made from. Polycarbonate lenses resist shattering better than glass or other plastics. Here’s the results from testing: High index plastic shattered when hit by a tennis ball moving at 40 miles per hour, glass shattered at 89 miles per hour, but polycarbonate lenses withstood speeds of 130 mph.

Wear Sunglasses:

This will help protect your eyes from Ultra Violet Rays of the sun, especially during mid-day or if you spend most of your time outdoors.

Take Proper Care of Contact Lenses:

Be sure they are cleaned properly and changed the lens and case often. Follow the manufacturer’s directions. Cutting corners here can cause eye damage.

Know your Family’s Eye Health History:

Do certain eye diseases run in your family? The earlier an eye disease is detected, the better your chances of keeping your eyesight healthy. Sharing your family medical history with your eye doctor can help identify potential risks and may prompt more frequent exams to catch any changes early.

See your Optician:

How often you should have an eye exam will be determined by several factors such as age, medical history, hereditary factors and whether you currently wear corrective lenses. Have regular eye checkups every 2 years and more frequently if over 60. Your Optician can alert you to early signs of underlying disease states such as cataracts, glaucoma or macular degeneration.

It is often said the eyes are the doorway to your soul. Let’s keep the door open.

See all our Eye Care products here:

*Always check with a health care practitioner before adding any dietary supplements to your regimen.

 Bruce Baar, MS, ND      |     © Baar Products, Inc., 2015

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