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      Herbal Tonic No. 208

      Purchase Herbal Tonic No. 208

      Herbal Tonic No. 208

      Item #: 9208
      Size 8 fl oz
      Volume Pricing
      1 $25.95 each
      2+ $24.95 each

      Herbal Tonic No. 208, 8 oz
      Intestinal Tonic

      • Calms Intestinal Disturbances
      • Digestive Aid
      • Edgar Cayce Formula
      • BPA Free Bottle
      American Ginseng: Aids digestion and relieves intestinal inflammation.
      Wild Ginger Essence: Contains phenols that support digestive health. Ginger may also help with gastric irritation and spasms.
      Stillingia: Has been used traditionally to relieve constipation.
      Lactated Pepsin: Aids in digestion.

      Calm your intestinal tract with this unique digestive tonic recommended by Edgar Cayce. Similar formulas were suggested many times to restore proper balance between the body's assimilations and eliminations.

      Selected portions of the Edgar Cayce Health Care Philosophy:

      "...Also there has been produced a condition through the jejunum, as well as the colon itself, - a tendency towards a chronic colitis, or inflammation to the membranes, or the LYMPH as it functions through these portions of the system. Hence we find this complication of disturbances which cause the greater disorders with this body. In the nerve system, as indicated, we find the subluxations existing in the upper dorsals, or from the 4th to the 1st dorsal, sympathetically in the 9th - or the lower portion of the dorsal area, and throughout the cervicals. Hence we would have corrections of these through mechanical adjustments, osteopathically administered. These should be given twice each week until at least sixteen or eighteen have been taken, - until there is an elimination of those subluxations and a stimulating to activity all of the organs of assimilation. When beginning with the adjustments, begin also with this formula..." (Cayce)

      " ...This compound taken internally as a stimulant to the activities through the alimentary canal, with the osteopathic corrections given, will gradually make for not only the correcting of the condition but the eliminating of the causes of same; and thus bring about a near normal or equal balance in the functioning of the organs, as well as the glandular forces, and clearing gradually the disturbance wherein the activities through the whole of the alimentary canal may be eliminated and eradicated entirely from the system." (Cayce)

      Suggested Use:
      Adults take 1/2 teaspoonful in 1/2 glass of water, 2x daily (morning and evening), preferably after the morning meal and again after the evening meal. Settling is normal. Shake well before using.

      Ingredients: Distilled Water, Honey, Grain Alcohol (7%), American Ginseng, Wild Ginger Essence, Tincture of Stillingia, Lactated Pepsin.

      Customer's Experiences:

      ”I am about to start my second bottle of Herbal Tonic 208 and was compelled to let you know that this has been a life changer for me. I have long suffered from IBS. Since beginning this routine of taking it twice a day, I have been so much better. In the beginning, I still had occasional bouts but recently my symptoms have been much improved. As I started feeling better, I sort of slacked off on taking it. I had a very rough day and realized this must be the reason. I immediately returned to twice a day and have been much better. This is a wonderful product!” - R.A., East Lansing, MI

      This is a letter to Charles Thomas Cayce, grandson of Edgar Cayce:

      "Dear Charles Thomas,
      I must share with you the incredible success I have recently had with Herbal Tonic No. 208. Over the past year, I have developed an increasingly serious case of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. My life became a living hell every time I left the house. It became so acute that in January my doctor prescribed Flagyl. When that didn’t work, he wanted to put me in the hospital for testing. After researching what the readings suggested for this condition, I ordered a few bottles of Herbal Tonic No. 208 from Baar Products. I was amazed that in less than a week my irritable bowel was no longer irritable. Now I can leave the house without fear. I am deeply grateful to your grandfather, you and all the fine folks keeping the readings alive at the A.R.E., and Baar Products for making these formulas available." – V.P., St. Petersburg, FL

      As with any supplement, if you are pregnant or nursing, seek the advice of a health care professional before using this product. Do not exceed recommended dosage except under the advice of a health care professional.

      *Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.