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      Iodex with Methyl Salicylate

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      Iodex with Methyl Salicylate

      Item #: 6823
      Size 1 oz.
      Volume Pricing
      1 $24.95 each
      2 $22.95 each
      3+ $19.95 each

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      Iodex with Methyl Salicylate
      Relieves Minor Aches and Pains

      • Apply to Sore, Stiff Muscles
      • Relieves Local Congestion
      • Rub into Muscle Strains & Sprains
      • Apply to Bruised Areas
      • Inhibits Growth of Any Bacteria
      • 1 ounce jar
      • Does Not Contribute to Antibiotic Resistance
      • Made in U.S.A.

      Iodex with Methyl Salicylate relieves local congestion. Apply it to minor aches and pains, sore and stiff muscles and muscle strains and sprains. This product has been available since 1910.

      Suggested Usage: Adults and children 12 years and over: Apply and rub until color disappears. If area is too tender, apply freely and cover with a light, loose bandage. Consult your physician for use for younger children.

      Customers' Experiences:

      ”This product is a miracle worker. It is absolutely miracle stuff. ” - Amazon Customer

      ”This product is amazing and should be available in every store." - Customer

      "Amazing benefits. It is soft, nice and smooth to apply. I experienced good relief after applying it." - Walmart Customer

      "Great for healing bruises quickly. It reduces pain and inflammation. Works well for little cuts and bruises of an active childhood." - Walmart Customer

      ”My wife is from Guyana and swears by this stuff so I got some and it is really good and will keep a supply of this. It goes a long way. ” - Amazon Customer

      ”Iodex comes in regular and with added methyl. Both are in our home at all times, it's our go-to. Iodex was originally recommended by our pharmacist years ago and continues to help anything we use it on. Another important thing is iodine in an ointment without added chemicals or additives. It became less likely to be found on a shelf so finding it online was a winner. Baar Products, the Iodex distributor, has a good line of products.” - Amazon Customer

      “Tried and true. I used to use this as a kid on everything. This works well on scrapes. Smells like wintergreen.” - Amazon Customer

      ”Used this Iodex growing up for scrapes and hurts on knees growing up.” - Amazon Customer

      ”Miracle stuff. Takes away bruises rapidly.” - Amazon Customer

      ”This is a marvelous product! Iodine is an essential element in our bodies and we often lack it. This works for many things and I love how easy it is to use in this ointment form. I will be getting more!” - Amazon Customer

      “A medical practitioner friend of mine mentioned Iodex for pain relief and healing (she is an RN, a Bowen practitioner and one of the smartest people I know). Every time I use this product I count my blessings for knowing her and for the company manufacturer continuing to make this fine product.” - Amazon Customer

      ”I remember when my Mom used it. Totally satisfied with this ointment.” - Amazon Customer

      ”Hard to find. Great product. Been using for years. Works great at taking out splinters. Instead of digging it out, put Iodex on it. Most of the time, splinter is halfway out in 30 min so you can grab it with tweezers. I used to use this when machining. After a day of work small metal splinters in arms. Put a little on arms at workstation. Go to washroom and splinters are gone.” - J.P., Rochester, NH

      "As a kid, we always went to the mysterious 'black salve' to put on minor wounds, acne, boils. As an adult, I tried to figure out what the 'black salve' was that my mother referred to for everything. It was Iodex!"- S. W., Great Falls, VA

      "Index is a great product that has been used in our family for 4 generations. The 'brown' is great for bug bites as well and the 'green' was used on me around my neck as a child by my grandmother when I had a cold or sore throat. We used to be able to buy it over the counter. So glad I can get it so easily now." - E.Z., Grand Junction, CO

      "I started using it in 1953 for sprained ankles. I would have ankles so swollen from playing basketball, they thought they were broke. And in three to four days, those ankles would be back down to normal with it. I used it for anything ‘muscle’. I had 3 boys who played football, and all those boys, I used it on their muscles every time they were sore. I've used it for probably sixty-five years." - J.B., Bradenton, FL

      ”Iodex w/Methyl Salicylate is so amazing, it truly works!!! I had a bad sprain years ago where I couldn't walk and after rubbing on my ankle morning and night and was walking in two weeks and was told it would be at least a month. My family from PA has used reg Iodex all my life over 60 years, it is also amazing for drawing out infections. Thank you for making such Healing products.” - N.R., Valley Village, CA

      "My wife's family has been using Iodex from when she was a child, over 70 years ago." - T.A., Alpine, TX

      "Master Tai Chi teacher uses Iodex. I've been using it since ’73 and I can’t live without it. It should be in every medicine cabinet in the country. As a topical ointment for burns, cuts and scrapes you know because if you catch a first degree before a second degree bubble, you can cause the first degree to stabilize. It won’t go to a second-degree burn. It’s a very important product. I carry it with me everywhere." - G.L., Roanoke, VA

      "My family has been using this product for decades and it has worked wonders every single time. It is such a consistently well made product and only full of the good stuff. Please continue making this product for generations to come. Best, A very happy customer" - G.R.

      "My husband's grandparents were the first to use Iodex Topical Antiseptic Ointment. They passed it on to their children (one being my husband's mother). She passed it on to my husband & I, and we passed it to our children, and then to our grandchildren. Now our great-grandchildren are having it used on them. We estimate that our family has used Iodex for a good 100 years. Our granddaughter growing up would create a great trauma when hurt. We tried to put on medicines other than Iodex on her wound. She would put it on herself when she found that it did not sting or cause more hurt to the wound. I have used it on my badly chapped lips and on a cold sore. It heals. It lasts a long time and there isn't a time limit on it because we have had a jar that lasted for a good 10 years. It still worked like when we bought it new. I tell everyone I know about it. It's wonderful at healing wounds and drawing out infections, splinters, and small thorns." – B.R., Beaver, UT

      "I was so happy to find your web site. I could not find Iodex in stores near me. I have used Iodex for a long time. It was a product in our home, growing up. I have used it on my own children. It is wonderful for bug bites and scrapes and keeps us free from infection. It is a wonderful product. Thank you." - D.T., Centre Hall, PA

      "I am sixty-five years young and Iodex has been a remedy in my family as long as I can remember. Recommended by my mother (who is now ninety-three) for everything from healing a cut, wound, burn and making the pigment return (we are black Americans), I recall her sending me to the drug store to buy a new little bottle and being curious about it as a boy in New York City. As time passed, the pharmacist would half to whip-out a special book to find and order it and many had never heard of it! It is too bad most do not carry it anymore... Bravo!" - N.B., Charleston, SC

      "I have used Iodex for 25 years. The Regular Iodex is wonderful for clearing up scrapes and bruises. The Iodex with Methyl Salicylate has been wonderful for my wonky knee. It has reduced the swelling and relieved me of the pain. It has been amazing. Thank you so much." - C.J., Carmichael, CA

      "Iodex is a mainstay in my medicine chest, as well as, in the medicine chest of every member of our family (including, by choice, the 20-40 year old ‘kids’). It’s our ‘go to’. I am 60, and this product has been in use in our family for at least 4 generations now. As a kid, it was called ‘black magic’ in our household. Obviously, black for the color, and magic for how magically it worked. Every sore throat that anyone in our family has ever had, was treated with Aspirin, then Iodex lightly rubbed on our throats followed by a warm towel wraps. (old towels, as it does stain). No one ever held a sore throat for more than 3 days. Also used on bug bites, skin scrapes/scratches, skinned knees, minor skin infections and bruises. There was a time where Iodex was hard to find and had to special order through a pharmacy. Making it more difficult, the pharmacists’ weren’t aware of the product, making it even harder to come by. We are so happy to find that Baar carries Iodex. Thank you!" – C.S.H., Aurora, CO

      "My grandfather Lieutenant Colonel E.H.L. DVM U.S Cavalry, was assigned to Fort Bliss, TX in 1909-1913. At this time, he was introduced to Iodex. After his military career ended, he opened his own Veterinarian practice in Burlingame, Kansas. He used Iodex in his practice and when he passed away and his business was sold, there were a large quantity of half dollar size aluminum containers of Iodex. That Iodex supply served my family well for many years. The last I saw was in my mother’s house when she passed away in 2007... I thought I would try it on these awful Oak mites we suddenly have in the Midwest... Yours truly" - E.H.L. (retired teacher)

      "I am so happy that my daughter remembered using Iodex from her childhood. I used it as a child, and have always found it to give amazing results. She found it online and we purchased it... We are so happy to find Iodex again!" - D.R., Mineral Wells, TX

      “I've been using Iodex for years. I grew up in Australia and we had Iodex for bruises and for broken skin... I am so happy to have it again. Thank you.” – E.C., Davis, CA

      "I recently had knee replacement surgery and was bruised very badly around my ankle and calf of my leg. I immediately went to my 20 year old container of Iodex. I had very little left in it. I used it all over my calf and ankle, and no longer had bruising on it. I also had some blood marks under the skin on my forearms. Not sure why and where they came from, but have had them for months. After ordering a new jar of Iodex, I have been putting it on my arms and have almost remove all of them. I am only 70 years old and my Mother used this on us as kids when we got bruised… I remember getting bruised easily and I would have a large bruise with a hard knot in the center. Iodex would reduce the soreness from it within days." – L.D., Valrico, FL

      "I have been using Iodex for over 60 years. I started using it in the 10th grade of high school, and I'm 78 years old and have 4 children that I got through sports with it. I have informed people in Michigan and people in Florida how helpful this product is for muscle problems and how to obtain the product. I ask people to ask a druggist to order it... We ordered two bottles as we always like to have one extra. We have even have given partial jars to friends so they can try it and find the benefit of it. GREAT, GREAT, GREAT PRODUCT." - L.J.B.

      "I was introduced to Iodex Salve growing up on a farm. When I became an adult, I have always made sure I kept a supply handy. My supply had been on hand so long that the top rusted away. I have finally got around to ordering a new jar, even though the old supply seemed to be working well. I consider Iodex the 'go-to-treatment' for those situations that do not seem to respond to other treatments. I wished it was more conveniently available through my local pharmacies... It is a great product!" - H.D., Decatur, GA

      "Cat scratches, and cuts – [Iodex's] the perfect thing. My dad, a chemist, taught me to use Iodine... Thank you for your thoughtfulness!" – Susan Lendvay, Venture Inward Editor, and A.R.E. Member & A.R.E. Staff Member for over 35 years.

      "I have been using Iodex for over 55 years. I have raised 4 children and this product was always close at hand. It is amazing for any kind of cut, scratch, rash, anything I'd use an antibiotic for, I substituted Iodex and it ALWAYS worked. I was introduced to this product from the Edgar Cayce readings. When my daughter-in-law called and said she had an infection from her earrings and nothing worked to clear it, I asked her why she didn't use the Iodex. She said the other stuff didn't work and she doubted that would work. I told her to try it. That's why I gave it to her. She did, it did, and now she reaches for it often for the family. The problem is getting folks to believe it works the way it does. Everyone believes the pharmaceuticals are the only answer, but there are so many old products that are really effective but big pharm is making it difficult for them to stay on the market... Hopefully as people can't afford to buy drugs they will look for natural alternatives. They are out there. Thank you for still making a wonderful product, I had an easier time raising my kids because you do." – P.A.P.


      Active Ingredient Purpose
      Iodine, 4.7% Topical Anesthetic
      Methyl Salicylate, 4.8% Topical Analgesic

      Inactive Ingredients: Oleic Acid, Paraffin, Petrolatum

      Warning: For external use only. Use only as directed. Do not get into eyes or mucous membranes. Do not apply to large areas of the body. Do not use tight or heavy air-excluding bandage. Stop use and ask a doctor if: redness is present, excessive irritation of the skin develops, pain persists more than 7 days, in conditions affecting children under 12 years of age. Keep out of reach of children. If swallowed, get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center immediately.

      *Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.