Radiac Lyme Research Kit
Radiac Lyme Research Kit
Parts & Supplies for 1 Month of Use:
- Radiac Unit, #100
- Radiac Container, #102
- Solution Jar Starter Set, #140
- Vibradex® Solution, #185
Please Contact our Tech Support line prior to ordering for technical assistance, or if you have any questions.
Call 610-873-5343 M-F 9-4:00 PM Eastern Time.
RADIAC® Overview:
The Radiac (pronounced RAY-DEE-ACK) utilizes the subject's own vibratory forces to create an equilibrium in the body. This balancing of the body's innate electricity enables it to relieve any tensions caused by deficiencies or excesses in itself. These imbalances may occur in many ways: through stress, injury, reaction to internal or external forces, lack of proper eliminations, or other issues. The electrodes are attached at specific points of the body to form an electrical circuit.
The human body functions as an electrical vibratory system, and the Radiac's main purpose is to produce an equilibrium in the human body that in turn balances a deficiency or excess in the system. This action may be compared to sleep, during which the energies of the whole body are engaged to recuperate. Experience with the device suggests that it offers the advantage of correcting possible imbalances, equilibrating body energies, and attuning the vibrations of the body to an optimal state. It is said to stimulate the body and mind to better organize and integrate their functioning. It might improve memory and other such mental functions as clarification of purpose. It might also produce an altered state of consciousness similar to those achieved in meditation and creative visualization. The Radiac acts as an equalizer much in the same manner that normal rest generates recuperative powers in the body.
RADIAC® with Vibradex Solution:
For some conditions, the Radiac therapy incorporates the vibration produced by a chemical compound in the Vibradex Solution Jar, applied vibrationally to the body. The electronic vibration partakes of the chemical through which it passes and is distributed to the body. If the body needs the qualities of a particular solution, then a solution and solution jar set are attached to the Radiac to add the vibration to the body. The properties of the solution (or the effects of the vibration) are gradually conveyed to the system. The vibration given off by the solution creates that same vibration in the body - acting with the elements in the system to produce it.
Important Links:
- Castor Oil Packs are also an important part of this research protocol:
• Castor Oil Starter Pack Kit
• Castor Oil Pack Therapy Book - Radiac Starter Kit
- The Radiac Book
- Blog Post: How We Cured Ourselves of Lyme Disease using the RADIAC® System
- Radiac Testimonials
This One Month Kit Includes:
1 each - #100 Radiac Starter Kit
1 each - #140 Solution Jar Starter Set includes:
1 each - #122 Small Copper Disc
1 each - #123 Large Disc
1 each - #131 Jumper Wire
1 each - #142 Extra Wide Velcro Belt
1 each - #150 Solution Jar with Storage Cap (solutions sold separately)
1 each - #151 Vibradex Loop
1 each - #153 Emery Cloth Cleaning Paper
1 each - #133 Brush with Handle2 each - #185 Vibradex® Lyme Solution, 3 oz bottle
1 each - #102 Radiac Container
6 each - #143 Blank Stickers (for labeling wire parts)
*** For use beyond 1 month of application, additional Vibradex Solution #185 must be purchased.
Because the Radiac and its parts cannot be shared among individuals, this system is not accepted for return or refund.
Customer Testimonials
"I have had Lyme disease for the past 10 years. I suffered with headaches, joint pain, severe short term memory loss, fatigue, and severe shortness of breath. I ordered the Radiac (with Vibradex® 185) about 2 weeks ago. I used the Radiac the first four day cycle without the solution and then took a few days off. I then did one four day cycle with the solution. The first cycle I noticed more energy and fewer, less severe headaches. After the first day using the solution, I could already tell the solution was attacking whatever causes the difficulty breathing. The congestion started to break up and I could take a full lung full of air without difficulty/coughing fits. By the end of the first cycle with the Vibradex® 185 Solution I felt better than I have for years I cant wait to continue using the Radiac. I have slept sounder/better, less fatigue, and greater mental clarity than I have in literally 10 years. I would recommend the Radiac to anyone for improved sleep and more energy, let alone if they have had to suffer through the awful disease associated with Lyme. I will be ordering another Radiac unit soon for my wife. Thanks." - R.M., IL
"I suffer from Lyme disease and planned to live a very depressed, confused, and painful life. I used the Radiac and Solution 185. I have found the solution to be more effective than a long-course of doxcicyclene antibiotics. This solution has taken me from living with about 50% of my normal vitality before Lyme disease to about 95% of my normal vitality. Without this solution, I would be hopeless. One four day treatment with this solution was more powerful than the doxcicyclene and it has a lower relapse rate. Baar's [Vibradex®] Solution #185 is saving my life." - N.S., VA
DISCLAIMER: We offer this system for personal research only and do not make medical claims for its application. This system is not intended to replace qualified medical care. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please consult a qualified health care professional for assistance. Results provided by customers' experience are not always typical and individual results may vary.